Willie Martin Elsewhere
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    The Face of Cheating Returns

    Happy Tuesday to you! It occurs to me that birthdays are in order for Pete Townsend, Malcolm X, and Nicole Simpson.

    Looks like Alex Rodriguez is about to make his return to the diamond after an off-season of injury, recovery, controversy, and apology. He will start 2009 in Baltimore. I expect the fans to be rough on the road, sympathetic at home. With all that has been bandied about in allegations and reports, my guess is that A-Rod will be at peace doing the very thing he has enjoyed since 1993. For better or for worse, welcome back Alex!

    Apparently the bad blood between Kenyon Martin and Mark Cuban continues to smolder. This game of 'He said-He blogged' is little more than a game of one-upmanship. While I am not happy at the way a few fans treated the family of the Martins, I refuse to paint with so broad a brush to say that all Maverick fans were horrid. That was not the case.

    Enjoying some quality time with Barbara at an undisclosed location at Lake Texoma. My first visit back since May 2003. I look forward to a few days of fishing, riding the ski-jet, and putzing around in relative anonymity. Very surprised at how quiet things are the week before the big weekend.

    The HP Byron Nelson about to kick into high gear on Thursday. Lots of excitement with the arrivals of Phil Mickelson, Vijay Singh, and the ever-popular Fred Couples. I hope to catch some action on Saturday in Las Colinas.

    What do you think the chances are that we see an Orlando-Denver NBA Finals? Can you say 'Magic Nuggets'? There's a McDonalds commercial there somewhere. I'm just saying...

    Time for a tube ride!

    Over and out in Big D

    Mr Will

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