Willie Martin Elsewhere

    A Strong Start To The Second Half!

    Josh McDonald made two goals, 4 points for Locke Jillson, and 2 assists for Michael Raggio. Michael now in double digits for the season. Highland Park needed this win! From where I sat, the Master believes that the Tigers of Mansfield will make the Gold 2 division an interesting one to watch in the race for the Texaco Cup.

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    Bowled Over And Liking It!

    How many look at last night's OU debacle and wonder aloud,'That's alot of lost recruits headed for Texas or out of state'. The Rose Bowl finish was one of the best I have ever witnessed with exception of the 1975 affair when Pat Haden clicked with John McKay Jr for an 18-17 win on Ohio State. Vince Young was THE MAN!

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