Willie Martin Elsewhere

    With SPECIAL thanks to Tanner Powell I have been given an assist for becoming more up to date with the FBing, Tweeting, and Networking.

    I have never been a technically sound person, only a dabbler. I am very excited about posting archives of the site, now in it's 13th year.

    With few exceptions, the pictures and opinions you see and read here are mine and mine alone. If something comes from another mind or individual, proper credit shall be given at said time. 

    September 12th 2013 marked 16 years clean and sober. December 11th 2013 will mark ten years away from cigarettes. Two vices I hope to never go back to again. I will, however, enjoy an occasional cigar...

    My camera and I keep busy at events. Having met great people along the way I now call Texas home.

    For as long as I have the avenue to inform, entertain and inquire, I will always try to be near the pulse of all things Dallas/Ft. Worth...due south to Houston!

    February 18th will be my 13 year anniversary in Texas. It was also the day I moved to Irving in 2011 after six years in Arlington within walking distance of the Rangers and Cowboys ballparks.

    February 4th 2014 (with an assist from Cedric Bailey) marks a 2 year anniversary.  A show of the podcast variety called 'Hanging w/Mr. Will'. Truly a labor of love and a learning experience daily. You can listen daily at 9am/9pm CST on www.bgcsports.net and find archives at www.mrwill316.podomatic.com Happy Listening! 

    Also happy to say that since 11/15/12 many of my posts now appear on www.blitzweekly.com while covering the Mavericks, Stars, Rangers, Astros, FC Dallas, Dallas Tennis, TCU Athletics, Cowboys, and Texans.

    I keep getting asked what I prefer more-being behind the mike, in front of the camera, photographing, or writing about it? I'm liking all of it and don't wish to choose (smile).  You can also expect video snippets to appear more regularly!

    Look for the Tweets and FB updates for they are often! Follow me on @mrwill316 fellow Twitter friends.

    Away from all this media stuff you can find me at Cool River Cafe handling all duties of a server extraordinaire. Now in my 5th year and 35th year overall in restaurant life. An equal labor of love.

    Take care and surf carefully my friends!

    Mr Will 2-10-14